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消息称苹果iPad mini 7改进LCD面板,“果冻屏”现象有所缓解

发布时间:2024-10-23 22:05:12来源: 13041198719

 10 月 22 日消息,iPad mini 6 在发售后便饱受“果冻屏”困扰,所谓果冻屏即“屏幕左右两侧在滚动操作下刷新不一致”。虽然都是 LCD 屏幕,但 iPad Air 并没有这么严重的缺陷,而苹果公司发言人当时表示,这是“LCD 屏幕的正常行为,由于液晶屏幕逐行刷新,顶部和底部行刷新之间存在微小延迟”。

首批苹果 iPad mini 7 评测已于今天出炉,包括 Engadget、WIRED、Six Colors 等平台均表示苹果已对面板进行改进,这款平板电脑的“果冻屏”效应有所缓解。


媒体 Six Colors 的评论员 Jason Snell

  • 原文:It's my understanding that the new model's display circuitry is different from the old model, and I couldn't detect any "jelly scrolling" in my use. It doesn't mean it's for sure gone, and I'm looking forward to eagle-eyed "jelly scrolling" experts reporting back with their results, but I sure couldn't see it, even when I recorded myself scrolling at a high frame rate and played it back frame by frame.

  • 翻译:我了解到新款的显示电路与旧款不同,在使用中我没有注意到“果冻屏”现象,不过这并不意味着相关情况确实消失了,我期待一些敏锐的专家能反馈他们的结果,但我确实没看到,即使在高帧率录制屏幕滑动视频并逐帧回放后也没有发现相关痕迹。

媒体 Engadget 的评论员 Nathan Ingraham

  • 原文:One bit of good news about the screen is that it seems Apple has fixed the "jelly-scrolling" problem that plagued the prior iPad mini. Jelly-scrolling occurs when one side of a screen doesn't refresh at exactly the same rate as the other, and this effect was noticeable in portrait mode with the old iPad mini. It's not something that I ever noticed while using the new iPad mini. I am curious to see if the issue has been totally resolved or if my eyes just didn't catch it, but I'll continue using the iPad mini in the coming weeks to see if I spot any display issues.

  • 翻译:苹果公司似乎解决了困扰之前 iPad mini 的“果冻屏”问题。当屏幕一侧的刷新率与另一侧不一致时,就会出现果冻屏现象,这在旧款 iPad mini 的竖屏模式下尤为明显,但我在使用新款 iPad mini 时并没有注意到这个问题。我很好奇这个问题是否完全解决,不过也有可能是我没有注意到,我会在接下来的几周继续使用 iPad mini,看看是否能发现任何显示问题。

媒体 WIRED 的评论员 Brenda Stolya

  • 原文:But I can't talk about the iPad Mini display without going over the infamous “jelly scrolling” fiasco on the 2021 model. iPad Mini owners bemoaned that one side of the screen refreshed slower than the other when scrolling up and down on the display. I didn't experience this with my Mini, but Apple did make it a point to optimize the LCD in the latest model to alleviate this issue. Apple was tight-lipped on exactly what it changed, but for what it's worth, I once again have yet to see any problems on my test unit.

  • 翻译:说起 iPad mini,我就不得不提到 2021 款机型(iPad mini 6)的“果冻屏”事件,iPad mini 的用户抱怨在上下滚动时,屏幕的一侧刷新速度比另一侧慢。苹果公司确实强调在 mini 7 中优化了 LCD 以减轻这个问题,虽然苹果对具体的更改保持沉默,但至少我在我的 mini 上没有遇到这个问题,就我个人而言,我的确没有在测试设备上仍然没有看到任何问题。



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